ARTicipate! project in a nutshell

The general aim of the project is to promote innovative and engaging methodologies for adult learners at risk of exclusion,
and to improve the competences of educators and other adult education staff in the field of participatory arts tools:
digital storytelling, participatory photography, participatory podcasting and participatory theatre.
Our intention is to pilot these methods with adult learners at risk of exclusion in each partner country.

The core activities include comprehensive training events in each chosen participatory method.
Adult educators working in various sectors within adult education will acquire new skills in these methods.
We will be piloting each method with learners at risk of exclusion by organizing local workshops.

Our intention is to develop four comprehensive and user-friendly workbooks for adult educators working with our target group.
The workbooks will be published online and they will include clear and concise presentation of the methodologies and exercises.
We will also create an Inspirational Pool, which is an online platform where educators and practitioners can share
and access best practices for engaging adult learners at risk of exclusion.